Monday 3 November 2014

An Excerpt from The Religion of God (Divine Love)

An excerpt from The Religion of God (Divine Love) by His Divine Eminence RA Gohar Shahi:

You, in search of God, rush to worship places such as Temples, Churches, and Mosques! Has anyone seen God sitting in any worship place in history? O’ Fools! The dwelling of the Lord is in your heart. Domicile God in your heart; then you shall see that these worship places and its worshippers will run towards you. Bayazid stated, ‘I circumambulated Ka’aba (the Muslims’ sacred place of worship in Mecca) for some time. Since God inhabited me, Ka’aba began circumambulating me.’ The worship places are collection points for good virtues; whereas, the heart is the Divine Abode. In worship places, you shall call upon God. In the hearts, God shall call upon you.

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